Monday, March 5, 2007

RE: Rapid Prototyping

I disagree with - "Once we have the protocol issues resolved, we could go ahead, adding more to the UI." Here's the argument.

Adding more to the UI of the prototype could mean patches atop patches, 'cause first time around we'll make mistakes, and adding on to it will be plain hacking. When prototyping, we won't concern ourselves with the design. Idea is simple, get the UI details fast. Once we get that outta the door, we get rid of the prototype. This is essentially a throw-away prototype, and we must not fall in love. By now, we should also have the networking API working. With everything in line, we can *think* better in terms of widgets and APIs available and that equips us better for the design process.

Rapid prototyping for requirements-gathering, then the functional spec, and then the design process. No code reuse from the prototype; it's meant to be dumped. That's what I've been thinking.

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